and international pediatric residents. Indeed, the IPA has become a
worldwide network of hundreds of thousands of pediatricians in
countries and communtities all over the world.
In 1912 the first congress program presented a
number of problems of child health including nutrition, anemia , polio
, quarantines for controlling infectious disease, and healthful air
ventilation. Since then, we have learned how to control infectious
diseases with immunizations and antibiotics , and we have eradicated
small pox and are on the road to eradicating polio worldwide. Our 23
rd congress program still addresses some of the same issues , however
, including prevention of infections , nutrition , and air pollution ,
along with a rich variety of other topics pertinent to child health in
We have made great strides in child health since 1912, but we must
realize that there are still many problems for many children of the
Poverty, disadvantage, ill health, violence, and dim futures. Many
children are still plagued by chronic diseases which we do not fully
understand. And it has become glaringly apparent that social and
psychological issues are also vital aspects of child health.
We pediatricians are fortunate to be members of an honorable
profession which offers the constant opportunity to improve the lives
of children. At the start of this new Millennium, the IPA is well
placed to contribute greatly to addressing important issues of child
health, pediatricans working all together for health in its broadest
sense for children everywhere. I look forward to working with each and
every one of you over the next three years as we continue the IPA
journey along the road of good health and bright futures for all of
our children. I encourage all of our member societies and pediatricans
they represent to contact us of the IPA with your ideas, questions,
problems, and suggestions. Working together, we can make a difference.

The 24th Congress of IPA will be held in Cancun Mexico,
Mexico in the year 2004.
It is necessary to check with your Mexican Embassy if you need visa to
enter Mexico
The official language of the Congress is Spanish, English, French.
International Center of Congress
Tel: 55 38 04 37 |