Neurofibromatosis Admitted Cases during 10 Years in Two Hospitals, Tehran, Iran

Professor M.H. Soltanzadeh MD
Professor of Pediatrics, ID ,
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Science ,
Tehran ,IRAN

Shirvani F, MD;  Seidiabad H, MD
Assistant  professor of pediatrics, Shahid Beheshti University , Tehran, IRAN
Professor of Pediatrics,Shahid Beheshti University,Tehran, IRAN
GP,Tehran, IRAN


Purpose: To recognise the signs and symptoms of neurofibromatosis and its complications among patients admitted in Imam Hosein and Mofid Hospitals during 1990-2000, Tehran, Iran.

Methods: This existing data study was accomplished on hospital records of patients admitted due to neurofibromatosis during these 10 years. Demographic characteristics, presenting signs and symptoms, and complications of the disease were recorded.

Results: Sixteen patients including 8 males and 8 females were admitted due to neurofibromatosis. Mean (SD) age was 7.6 + - 5.6 years  and the age range was 6 – 22 years ,  including 11 under the age 10. The chief presenting complaints were multiple subcutaneous nodules, vertebral deformities, carpal or cervical masses, gait disorders, ophthalmic disorders, seizures, headache, pruritus, speech disorders, ataxia, and gastrointestinal bleeding: and the most common signs were cafe au lait spots, neurofibromata, and freckles.

Conclusion: Multiple neurofibromata, multiple skeletal disorders cafe au lait spots are suggesting for neurofibromatosis.

Key words: Neurofibromatosis, Existing data study, Iran.

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