The 6th Congress of Pediatric Common
Diseases & Emergencies
22-22 December 2010
Iranian Scientific Practical Congress of General
December 2010

1th Memorial Congress of Professor.Ghalamsia
1st Iranian Congress of Iranian Society
of General Practitioners
1-4 March 2011
Mother and Child Health and Breastfeeding
9-11 March 2011

Memorial Congress of Professor
Mohammad Gharib
13-18 May 2011


Seminar Medical Ethics
19-20 May 2011

The First National Probiotics & Prebiotic
Congress of Iran
19-21 May 2011

The 6th Congress of Gastroenterology &
14-16 June 2011

Iranian Society of Orthopedic
23 june 2011

Number of articles in domestic journals: 41
Number of presentations in internal congresses: 99
Number of presentations in foreign congresses: 29
Number of Supervised Thesis for Pediatricians & General
Physicians: 126
Member of International Pediatrics Association (IPA)
Participation in Foreign Congresses:
AAP Congress, San Francisco, 1983
Delhi Congress, 1985
Tokyo Congress, 1986
ICP Congress, Paris, 1989
Menipal Infants Congress of India, 1990
Banglore Congress, India, 1990
ICP Congress, Rio de Janiero, Brazil, 1992
ICP Congress, Cairo, Egypt, 1995
Mediterranean’s Congress, Abu Dhabi, 1994
ICP Congress, Amsterdam, 1998
ICP Congress, Beijing, 2001
International Congress on Tropical Pediatrics, Ankara,
September 2002
UAE 12thCongress of Pediatrics, Beirut, 2005
30th Congress of Middle East and
Mediterranean Pediatric Associations, Damascus,
September 2006
Seminar on Infants & Children’s Nutrition and
pre-biotic, Ras-al-Khaymeh, UAE, 2009
Herbal syrup Seminar jan,9 , 2009 in Dubai
,International Hotel.
The 54th National Turkish Pediatrics Congress
& the 1st Congress of Iran-Turkey
Pediatricians Association, 20-24 October 2010
and elements of success:
I am from Yazd, land of hard working people with strong
will-power, land of strife, belief, honesty and
traditional ventilators and subterranean canals, where
farmers dig out water from the depths of the desert.
And above all, I owe my success to the sincere help and
sympathetic assistance of my wife for which I am
grateful to God. I always believed in
A human’s worthiness is not evaluated by what he owns,
but by the number of hearts he captures!
Through all my life, I tried day and night to be of good
service for the health of my fellow countrymen.
Professional and personal Memories, the joy of
Our doctors should take steps to care for human
health and the health of children is most important
because they are the bridgebetween connecting to the
future.With 43 years of experience as a pediatrician I
have many memories to talk about!
should share the following 5 characteristics with the
the Iranian Wiseman see them, the first is not to be
worried about the sustenance, then not to complain in
the time of illness, to share your food with the others,
not to keep grudged, to reconcile and easily feel
Children are free
from the adults’ social ties and bonds, therefore are
able to show the realities of life often in a charming
and funny way.