Nursing with human breast milk has long been established to play a major role in the well being of the newborn. With this in mind , I designed a research project to study the effect of an HERBALDRUG containing fennel( feoniculum vulgaremill) Amise (pinpinella Amisum) Cumin( Carur Carvil ),Dill(Anethum Graveolens) Pursely ( Fetroselinum Crispum) . Nigella Seeds(Nigella sativa) and fenugreek(Trigonella feonum Graecum) on Human Breast production . The drug was made by drop perculation Method.
A Double - Blind case - control study was designed where in 100 nursing woman were given the Herbal during or a placebo over a period of 5 weeks.
At the beginning of the study , the mean maternal age was 27 years and the mean neonatal age was 39 days . 41 maternal received the Herbal Drug and 39 mothers received the placebo. 20 mothers originally in the study were dropped out for failing to report . the mothers taking parting in the study reported every week for five weeks . At every visit the following factors were noted .
*Mean Neonatal Weight,
*Mean Milk Production ,
*Percentage of Nursing Event in 24 hours,
*Percentage of Milk Consumption per Event in 24 hours . The P value was 0.05 . Based on the above findings, no differences were observed in Milk Production between the Placebo and the Herbal During group. Key word N-LactoDrop,Breast milk , weight infant , milk production.