Recommended Immunizations for Travelers to Developing Countries*

                       Length of Travel
  Brief,        Intermediate,         Long-term
 <2 WK               2 wk to 3 mo             Residential,>3 mo
 Review and complete age-appropriate                     +                      +                           +
Childhood schedule (see text for details)
     ·    DtaP,poliovirus vaccine , and
          Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine
          May be given at 4-wk intervals if
          Necessary to complete the recom-
          Mended schedule before departure
     ·   Measles :2 additional doses given if
          Younger than 12 mo of age at
          First dose
     ·  Varicella
     ·  Hepatitis B*
Yellow fever*                                                            +                       +                           +
Hepatitis A                                                                +                       +                           +
Typhoid fever                                                            +-                      +                           +
Meningococcal disease                                            +-                      +-                          +-
Rabies                                                                       +-                      +                           +
Japanese encephalitis                                              +-                      +-                          +

*See disease-specific chapters in Section 3 for details . For further sources of informaion, see text.DtaP indicates diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis;+,recommended;and+-,consider.

*If insufficent time to complete 6-month primary series,accelerted series can be given (see text for details).

*For endemic regions (see Health Information for International Travel,p3).For high-risk activities in areas experiencing outbreaks, vaccine is recommended even for brief travel.

     * Indicated for travelers who will consume food and liquids in areas of poor sanitation.

*For endemic regions of Africa, during local epidemics, and travel to Saudi Arabia for the Hajj.

*Indicated for person with high risk of animal exposure,and for travelers to endemic countries.

Red Book 2000