The Role of Inflammatory Mediators In Asthma



Asthma is considered by many research workers as an Inflammatory Disease. The inflammation occurs in the mucosa of  lower respiratory system. A diversity of lymphoid and Myeloid cells are involved in this inflammation. These cells migrate and lodge in the mucus membrane of bronchi and secret inflammatory mediators.

Eosinophils , basophils , T-lymphocytes and Mast cells are among the most important inflammatory cells which contribute to the development of inflammation in the mucus membrane . These cells produce and secret different chemical mediators .

The mediators which contribute to this inflammatory process can be classified in to the following groups.

1.            1. lipid mediators : These include prostagludins , Leukotrienes , platelet –                 Activating Factor (PAF)

2.         2. Amines And peptides-including Histamine & ECF

3.         3. The cytokines : These includes:

A.                A.The cytokines which contribute to the inflammatory process such as
           recruitment and migration of cells in to mucus membrane . These cytokines
            include : IL-3 , IL-4 , IL-5,TNF a , IL-16

B.        B.The cytokines which take part in down regulation of inflammatory reaction.
           These cytokines include:
IL-10 , IL-12 ,  IFN-y

The function and role of each , of these mediators will be explained during the my lecture in the specific seminar on Asthma.


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